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List of New traffic violationsنئی ٹریفک کی خلاف ورزیوں کی فہرست

List of New traffic violations
1# Driving a non registered vehicle. 
2# Not displaying the sticker indicating the valid date of the vehicle license at a clear place on the vehicle or refusing to show it when requested.
3# Driving a vehicle on the road without renewal of it's license.
4#Driving a vehicle without number plates. 
5#Making unauthorized changes of color or shape of the number plates or altering the details on it or loaning it or exchanging it.
6# Not returning the number plates to the licensing authority when the vehicle is not in use or in case of non renewal of the vehicle license within the stipulated date or the vehicle being unfit for use or when applying for cancellation of its registration or for it's export out of the country ultimately.
7# Not informing the licensing authority immediately about the loss or damage of any one or both of the number plates.
8# Using the commercial number plates in unauthorized situations.
9# Using of temporary number plates ( "For test" number plates) for unauthorized purposes.
10# Driving a vehicle with commercial number plates or number plates which are allowed for test vehicles without fixing it properly on the vehicle as requested by the law or allowing an unauthorized person to drive that vehicle.
11# Not returning of a commercial or test vehicles' number plates or a temporary number plate to the licensing authority when cancelled or not renewed.
12# To write or to paint or to put any details against the law on any part of the vehicle or in the body of the vehicle or to use the vehicle for publicity purposes without written permission from licensing authority.
13# To make changes in the use of the vehicle any way or altering any major part in it that entails tampering with the registration particulars of the vehicle without written permission from licensing authority.
14# If the owner does not inform the licensing authority in writing about the change of ownership of the vehicle within three days of ownership change along with details of new owner and his address.
15# If the new owner of the vehicle does not inform the licensing authority in writing about the change of ownership to him within 3 days from changing the ownership to him.
16# The owner of the vehicle not informing the traffic authority about any change in the owner's name or nationality or ID number, his address or place of residence within 10 days of such a change.
17# If the owner of the vehicle does not inform the licensing authority about the loss or damage of the registration card (RC / Vehicle license) or not applying for a new one instead of lost or damaged RC or if the person who found the RC not returning it to the licensing authority.
(Instead of Using a "registration book" the card should be Issued by pk Govt . It would be Easier and safe option for Vehicle Owner )
Note: I will give Example that how does this Card looks at End..
18# The driving instructor not complying with rules and regulations related with driving classes or the learner not carrying learner's permit during driving classes or not producing it when requested by the police.
19# Driving a vehicle without renewing driving license. 
20# The driver not carrying the driving license while driving or not producing it when asked by the police.
21# To obtain more than one driving license of same kind or to use it or to allow some one to use it against the law or to use the license for some illegal gain or someone using somebody else's license or accepting it except in the situations allowed by the law.
22# The owner of the driving license not informing the traffic department or the nearest traffic office about the loss or damage of a driving license immediately or not returning it to the licensing authority whenever it is found.
23# The car rental offices and companies or car selling and buying showrooms or car decoration shops or car automobile workshops undertaking their business before obtaining trade license from the licensing authority.
24# Setting up or running a driving school or conducting driving classes without permission from the licensing authority.
25# If the motorist does not stay in the Left side of the road in situations specified by law.
26# If the drivers of transport vehicles ( buses of all types) and trucks, goods vehicles, trailers or semi-trailers do not keep to the Left side of the road or overtake other vehicles.
27# Not abiding by the lanes on the main section of the road while driving. 
28# Driving a vehicle in the opposite (wrong) direction on a Single Direction Road 
Licence Should be Seized for 2 Weeks
29# Reversing the vehicle on the main road except in emergency or reversing the vehicle at intersections.
30# If the driver of a vehicle exits from a lane to reach a side road or to enter some point near the road or exit from it or to turn or to reverse without taking any precaution prescribed by the law.
31# If the driver of a vehicle Parks the vehicle on expressway in an undesignated area or to reverse or turn to the Right or to u-turn or to drive it on the traffic island.
32# If a motor cyclist does not ride on the lanes assigned for motor vehicles.
33# If a motor cyclist carries passengers on his motorcycle without side car or back seat or if a bicycle rider carries passengers on his bicycle which is not designed to carry passengers.
34# If the motorcyclist, bicyclist and the riders on the back seat do not wear the helmet.
35# If a motorcyclist or bicyclist does not hold on the handle bar with both hands unless when required to indicate signals manually or if he holds on another vehicle while driving or if a two-wheeler drives on one wheel or tries to tow, carry, push or drag objects that can obstruct traffic or endanger themselves or others on the road.
36# Driving a vehicle on a restricted road or allowing somebody to do so without written permission from licensing authority.
37# Exceeding posted speed limit on the road. 
And to be increased by PKR.1000 for every 10 km / hour of speed to the maximum penalty of PKR.10000.
38# If the motorist does not slow down the speed at pedestrian crossings or at crowded points or turnings or curves or cross roads or intersections or roundabouts or bridges or underpasses or while entering school or hospital zones which is to ensure the road safety.
39# If the motorist does not control and adjust vehicle speed according to situation and condition of road, vehicle's condition and its load and weather that will help to stop or reduce speed whenever needed.
40# Driving a vehicle at abnormal low speed that may obstruct traffic movement without a good reason.
41# Applying the brake suddenly without an emergency required to ensure the safety and security of the traffic in the road.
42# Not giving clear indication in advance (turn signal) and enough time when going to slow down the speed of the vehicle.
43# If the driver and the front seat passenger do not wear the seat belts while driving on the road.
44# The driver using or holding a mobile phone or any other device in hand while driving or becoming busy watching any visual object from television set in the vehicle or allowing the children less than 10 years of age to occupy the front seat while driving the vehicle on the road.
45# Fixing of sign plates or advertisements or devices similar to the traffic signs or devices which lessen the clarity or the effect of the original signs by the traffic department or which may cause confusion to other road users.
46# To use the vehicle for purposes other than what is mentioned in the vehicle lecense or registration certificate or to allow somebody to do so.
47# Driving a vehicle with a vehicle license (Vehicle License is Suspended due to Major Traffic Violations or Use Of Vehicle For Serious Illegal Activities for Eg: Drug Selling ) while it has been suspended on the basis of legal or administrative decision.
48# Driving a vehicle with a driving license while it has been suspended on the basis of legal or administrative decision.
49# Driving a vehicle that makes noisy sounds or dense fume or causing bad smoke or leaks inflammable materials or harms the public health or environment or damages the road or driving a vehicle without an appropriate silencer.
50# To drive tippers or earthmovers or bulldozers, etc. on roads which are not assigned for such vehicles.


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